Administrative Systems & Advancement Finalists Selection

November 22, 2016

The Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium Administrative and Advancement Systems Steering Committee met November 22, 2016 to choose finalists for both systems. The decision was based on the  information received from demo participants via a survey, feedback from the functional leads of each college, updated roadmaps and pricing information from the vendors .  Thanks to the fact that the functional leads assessment from the three colleges and the survey results aligned nicely, it was easy to narrow down vendors to the following by unanimous vote:
Administrative Systems: Oracle and Workday
Advancement: Blackbaud and roundCorner / Salesforce

Our next steps include:
– Dec 2nd Consortium Board, Presidents  & Steering Committee Meeting – Key updates and next steps
–  Follow-up on key questions, clarifying items for vendors still in the running and best and final pricing
– Reference checking of vendors
– Functional leads meeting with steering committee to recommend one vendor
– Report out to each college’s January board meeting